Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last Gorge Day

This was the last day of the load days. 3 days of eating way tooooo much food. I always struggle with these days, and I know they are important. I tend to lose weight during them.

The good news is, so far, this time, I have not gotten sick! The past few times I tried to start the drops I would get really sick, but so far so good this time. I hope it continues.

I am also planning to work out during this one. I love my workouts and I hate the thought of giving them up. So, I plan to try to do both, no matter how hard it seems to be.

check in tomorrow!!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Well, it is the end of 2010. It has been quite a year....full of fun.

It was the year I started using HCG. I was very successful on round 1. I lost 17 lbs and have kept 10 of those off since July. Very excited about that.

But....I still have about 30 to go.

For Christmas, I got a Wii Fit, with a Biggest Loser workout game. I LOVE this. I love having the way to track my workouts, and having workouts designed. I am hoping to keep working with this.

But...the bigger deal....I started my load today to star the HCG drops again. YAY me! I have gotten ill the past 3 times I attempted to start the drops. But I am hoping that this time is the one that works!

So, here is Round 2, Phase 1, Day 1 (R2P1D1) Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

HCG will work for me!

I have made a choice. A decision really. One that I know I can manage. One that will take will power and resolve.

Here it is.....


I have decided that. I made that choice. It will work. It will help. It will get me to where I want to be.

How? Well, that is the hard part, but I know I can do it. It is all up to me. Not to anyone else. Not to the food. Nothing. It is MY decision. MY choice. And I am determined to make it work.

Here is my plan:

I WILL pack food to get thru the day.
I WILL take my vitamins.
I WILL Drink my water.
I WILL NOT cheat.
I WILL NOT cheat.
I WILL NOT cheat.

That will do it. Just those simple steps. Hmmm.....I can do it!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Day

Well, another day, done. Things are looking better!! I love positive days. It helps me realize that I CAN do this.....I CAN!!

So, some things that help me thru the day...

Coffee with stevia. This keeps me from eating most days, mainly because I don't like the taste of most foods with coffee.

Life Water (the zero calorie ones)

anythign with hot sauce...shrimp, chicken, crab meat

Eggs and fake eggs

green beans

gum made with xylitol

Now I am looking for activity...things to get me motivated. First up...the has got to get done, and it will keep me out of the kitchen. This is important, since the kitchen is where the food is, and if you read my last post, you know how I feel about food :)

Hoping to share some recipes tomorrow!


Hi...I am Shanda, and I am a food addict....

Yep..can't get away from it. It is everywhere! Breakfast, lunch and dinner, someone serves food. There is even food available at other times. Snacks, coffee group, book clubs, sporting events, grocery stores. You name it, there is food.

It is hard, when you love food as much as I do, to get away from it. There is no "quitting cold turkey". You can't just avoid it. Not only is food everywhere you go, you actually NEED it to live.

Now of course, I could be addicted to salad, and carrots, and fruits. That would be so cool! I would crave an apple in the morning, look forward to a salad full of veggies at lunch, and have that lovely lean meat and healthy veggies at dinner. Snacks would be well-timed, well-planned fruit salads and healthy protein.

Alas, it doesn't work that way. I love french fries, chicken wings, potato chips, chocolate...ahh chocolate. Cured meats like bacon, sausage, and salami. CHEESE! Man, I could eat cheese all day long! This is the curse of the addiction.

There is still no way to avoid it. It is all about will-power. And, I have none ;) If it is here, I will eat it. Ahh..the smell of bacon. Who on earth can resist that?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two steps back, one step forward

Hmmm...with this rate, I am in trouble!

Day one went well, until I baked cookies. Why you ask? Because that is what stay-at-home moms do!! LOL! I had to try a couple......

IT was one backslide, but it affected me. Oh, that and the one glass of Bourdeaux I had with dinner.

Yesterday...not even close. I ended up at the hospital most of the day with my sister in law and family as she had her little girl :) Of course, I did not have my drops with me, and I was gone all day :( I ate fairly well, and not a lot, but really, hospital food :(

Today is a crazy day. Up at 5am to take Adam to scouts for the day. Then I have to drive Derek to Lafayette for a gym clinic. Brad will need a ride to BOulder later. Luckily, being in the car so much, I won't eat!! That will help. But I will be tired tonight and that could be dangerous. I will be back!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

OK...I can deal with the chocolate chip cookies, the yummy summer sausage, and cheese....but the bottle of bourdeaux will do me in tonight!!!!